Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Coney Island Wedding

I wanted to share with you some ways I  use my sketchbook . Family outings , holidays, vacations , sight seeing , coffee shops ,at home in front of the tv , on airplanes, buses and subways or just walking around the neighborhood.     Todays post is A Coney Island Wedding

    I attended a wonderful fun wedding in September , here are a few samples of my very quick sketches of that day .
     When you do quick sketches of your day your first impressions come out and you notice things you never saw before .

                                             You remember  colors , shapes , and sounds
smiles and feelings 

After the ceremony we of course went on the rides , I stood on the street corner to catch this one of the train and Cyclone .
Fun rides in the children area , lots of laughter , color 
and excitement 
At the reception I tried to capture people chatting and having a good time , impressions of  the moment .


Simplify and sketch what you think you need to capture the moment of the day and don't worry about getting a likeness.
                                                      The laughter excitement and sounds
                Impressions  , conversations , smiles , love and sharing with one another .

                        It indeed was a wonderful wedding, I know from experience overtime when I look at back at these  quick sketches all the sights and sounds of that special day will come back into my memory like I was seeing it for the first time .  I did want to say these sketches were quick , a minute or 2  just your impression. Take photos for reference and put a color wash on when you get home as you are at the event to socialize and have a good time .
         I hope you are able to give special events in your life a try, family get togethers , recitals , concerts , graduations or just hanging out with friends . I will look forward to seeing  your sketches.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

NYC Subway and Bus sketching

     Hi, Hope you are all painting and sketching as time permits in your life. I wanted to share a few more posts on quick sketching with you , this is the first of 3 , hoping that you all get out of your comfort zone and give it a try as the weather is still nice . I know you will be encouraged and surprised that you had the boldness and confidence to " Do It"  and will feel a sense of satisfaction , '"I did It "
     This post contains sketches I have done over the last week and half . My trip to the dentist to get a crown and our trip downtown on Saturday to play tourist .

    All sketches were done in a Cachet journal  by Daler Rowney with pretty thin paper  and with a Ultra Fine Sharpie Marker ( so I can't  erase ) . On the # 6 Train those sketches were done with a Pilot Brush Pen  I was trying out and need to work with it more so I can get both thick  as well as thin lines.

   The challenge is sketching in public while moving and staying focused and keeping your body balanced.

 These were done to and from downtown. I found it most helpful to lean my sketchbook on the pole in the middle of the train . The hard part was keeping my balance as the train is moving.
Stay focused and ignore the people that are watching you , most of them wish they had a sketchbook with them to give it a try . 

                                          The color washes were done back at our apartment .
                   It is amazing how many people you will meet that want to learn how to sketch.
                          On our return trip I was leaning on the poles by the subway car door.

           Sketching on the bus is much easier as the ride is smoother and one is or can be sitting down .
Sketching on the subway or bus will teach you to sketch fast as your subjects don't stay long  and people are constantly move around .

I do encourage you to make an artist date with yourself and head out with your sketchbook . Coffee shops and malls are a great place to sketch people .  If I can help you in any way on your own art journey please don't hesitate to ask . Sketching has been a quick way to keep seeing and recording the world around me , especially when life gets busy . It has been such a blessing to me to see my students out and about with their sketchbooks.  I will look forward to seeing yours .