Long time no see, yup that is true. I have been spending most of my time watercolor sketching , traveling and practicing , something I am always talking about. Slowly but surely I am painting larger, 1/2 sheets of watercolor paper and even a few full sheets here and there. This all takes time and I am sure I don't need to share how much extra time I have found when I am off the internet and Facebook. I am not sure how many followers I have lost because of that but priorities and priorities.
For those of you who follow this blog , my artwork and travels I wanted to share I am teaching a 2 day watercolor workshop Friday July 31-August 1 here in Litchfield CT. 9am -4 pm with an hour for lunch.
Day 1 will focus on painting with a simple watercolor palette , doing lots of fun exercises while learning sound foundational principles of good painting and paint handling.
Day 2 We will focus on painting from photos while continuing to learn sound foundational principles useful for any medium. We will also cover the importance of having and using a sketchbook .
If any of you are in the area and would like to attend I still have a few spots open so just let me know. Until next time happy sketching , painting and practicing .