This is the last one I am sharing in this series. This one was done in my studio from memory combining a view from Rockport Harbor and the many sailboats I saw while walking around the harbor . Painting from memory is fun and I urge you to give it a try. When you are away from your subject you tend to put down the essence and not get bogged down with meaningless detail. It is amazing how the feelings of the day, time, and smells do come right back to you . It is a fun way to paint and you may open yourself up to a whole new way of doing things and not having the subject right in front of you prevents you from trying to copy the view exactly and frees you up to paint your impression of the day you remember.
This watercolor is available by emailing me, or clicking on my DailyPaintWorks Gallery on the right or going to I hope you enjoy this painting. :-D